4 Ways to Leverage Time like a Millionaire

Ever wonder how others get all their tasks completed in a day? Do you constantly feel like you’re playing catch-up? If so, you’re not alone. Most people report a frequent struggle in completing all they set out to do.

Yet, there’s a segment of the population who seem to never face this challenge: Millionaires. 

You see, it’s not about being the most talented or gifted. It’s not about being lucky either.

So, what is their secret? Why do they seem to have everything figured out; always relaxed and ready to go?

Time leverage.

Sure, tactics like maintaining “to-do” lists, setting goals, and reducing distractions can all help. But really, these are all tactics that fall into the overarching category of leveraging our time.

Leverage is a powerful force–it allows us to multiply our abilities by applying a little pressure to something.

In business and in  life, we can leverage our time, and here are four massive ways to do just that:

#1 Recognize That Time is An Investment

As with most things in business, 80% of your success comes from having the right mindset. This is especially true when it comes to your perception of time.

There’s a notable difference between spending time and investing time.

When you spend something, it suggests you’re using something up without expecting to get anything back. When you invest in something, however, you expect to get back a good ROI. Investing your time means you’re involved in activities designed to bring you meaningful rewards.

Millionaires know that time is their most valuable asset. If you want to capture their success, you must first capture their mindset. In other words, you must learn to value your time. 

“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” – T. Harv Eker

#2 Choose Time Over Money

Successful coaches and mental health professionals know that they can make more money.

They can make more money over time, they can earn back any money they spend, but they can’t ever get more time. As such, they have no problem spending money to buy back time. This is why Done For You membership services, like our Bliss Package, are so appealing to successful business owners. It provides you with the most precious commodity you can ever possess: Time. 

Busy people value money over time, so they do everything themselves.  

Even those things they’re not very good at or that require a lot of time, effort, and, well, that they hate spending time doing. In other words, they trade time for money. Trying to save money, they spend their time, and in the end have neither: they don’t accomplish anything that would actually bring about more results or more future money for their business.


#3 Stop Selling Your Time

There’s no golden path to the bank paved with “I Did It All Myself” signs. 

Wealthy people recognize that to make big dreams come true, they need other people, they need other knowledge, they need other skills, they need more time. So they leverage what other people have. They leverage other people’s connections, other people's time, and other people's knowledge so that they don’t have to do everything by themselves. They don’t have to learn everything by themselves. They don’t have to figure everything out by themselves. They don’t have to create everything by themselves.

They do that through a combination of hiring other people, partnerships, mentoring, and coaching. They leverage other people’s time to save up their own, so they can allocate it to the things that will generate results quicker.

Busy people, on the other hand, sell their time. And usually for pennies on the dollar.

They sell their own time for other people to use so that other people can achieve something big. And they usually get paid per hour instead of getting paid per result

Sound familiar?


#4 Build a System of Leverage

Time leverage is about achieving the biggest result with the least amount of effort. 

There are multiple tactics you can use to leverage time to create bigger results, but the point to all of them is to multiply the rate at which you get things done. You can do this most effectively with a system.

Specifically, a system that allows you to deliver immense value in a repeatable fashion with minimal effort. In short, a membership site.

This is why most the big-name coaches, consultants, companies, and counselors have adopted this approach over the past year. And also why I invite you to do the same.

Leverage Your Own Time With Membership Fix

Using our 3-step process, we would like to help you build the systems necessary to effectively leverage your time like a millionaire. Through our proven AER Solution, we will give you all the tools needed to save 10-15 hours of time each week, as well as increase your revenue by approximately 20% every single month.

To learn more, schedule a call with our CEO Sylvia LeRahl today.


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